
By signing this contract, the client possess the understanding that they are a member of Netwyn Place and must maintain up to the standard set by Netwyn regarding the criteria outlined in this contract.


The client acknowledges that there are other members who have signed this contract and are working within the same environment as them. At Netwyn we strive to create a safe and welcoming work environment. Actions of bullying,racism, sexism, homophobia, assault, etc will not tolerated and can result in termination of your membership if claims of poor behaviour come from other members or is observed by the Netwyn staff.  The client upon signing also assures Netwyn that they will maintain a responsible and professional behaviour within and outside of Netwyn place towards both clients and staff.

Membership Details

By signing this contract, the client acknowledges that they are a member of Netwyn place for as long as their purchased plan permits. The client is entitled to the use of all accommodations within the limits of the terms set by Netwyn and their membership privileges. The client is also responsible for any damage that they might incur on Netwyn property within Netwyn place either from negligence or misuse unless specified.

No Tenancy

The client acknowledges that they maintain a relationship with Netwyn equivalent to that of a hotel guest at a hotel. While they might be entitled to the use of these accommodations, they do not possess any tenancy claims or possession of any accommodations or features unless specifically designated by Netwyn. The client acknowledges that they are not a tenant and Netwyn is not a landlord.

The client also acknowledges that the invitation of unpaid/unauthorized guests to Netwyn Place must be checked with Netwyn staff beforehand, and admission of said persons can only be authorized at the discretion of Netwyn.

No Residency

Netwyn Place is a commercial facility. Your membership does not entitle you to using Netwyn Place as a form of residence. The client acknowledges that they are not a residential tenant of Netwyn Place.


 You will not engage in any activities within the confines of Netwyn Place that could be deemed unlawful, damage or impair property or other clients, or makes the co-working place unenjoyable for other members.

You will also not engage in the following while attending Netwyn Place

  • Holding Lottery contests, creating pyramid schemes, or spamming chain letters, junk emails, etc to members within Netwyn Place or to outsiders under the guise of Netwyn Place
  • Defaming, abusing, harassing, threatening or otherwise violating the legal rights ( such as privacy and publicity) of others;
  • Posting, distributing or disseminating inappropriate, profane, defamatory, obscene, indecent, or unlawful material or information within Netwyn Place, to other members within Netwyn Place, or outside of Netwyn Place under the claims of being a representative of Netwyn Place
  • Uploading, reproducing, using, performing or otherwise making available, images, software or other material or information which infringes another’s rights, or is protected by intellectual property laws where you don’t own or license such rights; and
  • Uploading or using files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the computers or property of the Co-Working Space or another member.

Engaging in any of these activities could lead to the termination of your membership at the discretion of Netwyn


Changes in the terms of service can occur from time to time. Clients will be notified of these changes in advance.


The client acknowledges that while in Netwyn Place they may be given confidential information regarding the company or its members. This includes, but is not restricted to trade secrets, technologies, information regarding business or customers, etc. This information is not to be disclosed, and the client agrees that this information will remain confidential and not spoken of.


Taxes and charges apply. Client is expected to pay promptly by due date presented to them

Plans include

  • Day Pass                        Amount: $27 due on day of use
  • Mailing Address              Amount: $47 due on first of month
  • Virtual Office                   Amount: $247 due on first of month
  • Hot Desk                        Amount: $397 due on first of month and a $397 security deposit
  • Dedicated Desk             Amount: $747 due on first of month and $747 security deposit
  • Office Space                  Amount: $1497 due on first of month and $1497 security deposit

All plans require the purchase of an annual pass valued at $97.

Renewal of Membership

Membership charges will take place once membership status has been approved. This charge will be for the membership for the calendar year at Netwyn Place. Renewal charges will take place on January 1st of every year. In the case of sign up in December, your membership will be carried over to the next year.


We strive to keep Netwyn Place in an orderly fashion. If you see any damages in the premises, please report it to one of the staff.


You hereby waive and hold harmless Netwyn Place, its members, officers, directors, shareholders, contractors and employees (the “Releasees”) from any claims, liability, actions, or suits with respect to any damages, injuries or losses you suffer to your person or property, whatsoever, including as a result of negligence or gross negligence on the part of the Releasees, including but not limited to any direct, special, incidental, indirect, punitive, consequential or other damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for lost profits, loss of confidential or other information, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy, failure to meet any duty (including of good faith or of reasonable care), negligence, and any other loss) arising out of or in any way related to Netwyn Place’s services or otherwise.