Expanding into new markets

As you progress with your business, the desire to extend your reach is bound to come up. It is a necessary part of growing your business, and without expansion your business will eventually stagnate. When considering expansion, there are many avenues and options you can pursue. Here are a few ways you can expand your

The Value of Networking

Networking is the process of developing new connections and forming partnerships with other business people. It can lead to collaboration where both parties benefit from the partnership or can lead to new business opportunities.   As a small business owner, Networking is incredibly important to help further your business. For example, you might be able

Identifying your customer

The most important aspect of any business is understanding who your customer is. The relationship you have with your customer is the lifeblood of your business. However in order to be successful, you need to identify who your customer is. A critical mistake businesses make is that they try to appeal to everyone. While this
In order to be successful in business you must be a leader. However, many people think they are being leaders, when in reality they are being managers. So how do you tell the difference between a leader and a manager? Well to make things simpler, it’s in the titles. Leaders lead, while Managers manage.  

Why you need Business Coaching

As a business person, you might have heard the term “business coach” thrown around by a colleague or seen it while browsing online. But what exactly is a business coach? They are experienced people who you hire to help improve your business. But how does this differ from a traditional employee? A business coach will

Introduction to Cryptocurrency

Introduction to Cryptocurrency
On September 5th, Netwyn Place held a seminar hosted by Ageesan Sri teaching aspiring business people about the Cryptocurrency trend. Ageesan founded U.Cash, a company dedicated to making understanding cryptocurrency easy as well as making the transfer of cryptocurrency to cash simple. Together, Netwyn Place and U.Cash created this seminar to help make understanding cryptocurrency

Making hard decisions

When it comes to business, hard decisions need to be made. These are the decisions that will shape your business, how it is seen by others, and who will do business with you. But how do you make these decisions? We will go over some strategies to use when a hard decision appears in front

Co-Working Myths

There are a few misconceptions when it comes to co-working. Considering the relatively new nature of co-working as an office format, it is understandable why certain myths have popped up surrounding the nature of co-working. We will try to address some of these myths, and show why co-working really is the future of office work.

Benefits of Co-Working

With the increasing trend in open offices becoming the new method of working, many are beginning to ask “Why?”. There are many benefits of Co-Working that the traditional office space simply can not compare to. Stop being lonely While working at home can sound like an enticing proposition because you don’t need to travel to

Building a Team

As a business begins to grow, the required work might quickly exceed the capacity of a single person. This is where team building becomes crucial for the success of a business. Teams offer new ideas for the direction of a business and are a means to make the business capable of doing more by taking